
In This Next Phase Of Life

As many of my friends and readers know, my day job is the business manager of a cosmetics line in a department store. I have a friend in Boston, and when I say I have a friend, it is actually about someone else, not me being cute , who thinks her boss is trying to get her to quit her job. I asked her if she didn't belong to a union, I thought everyone in Boston had to belong to a union. She laughed and said that not everyone does. She has a middle management job like mine at a different company.  It's actually a competitors company she works for. She has been there 3 years and hasn't moved up. When she applied for a higher position, she was laughed at and told she wouldn't move up with that company anytime soon. I told her they said any time soon, not ever. Some jobs take years to move up in. Heck, I've been told I'd never move up before. Just a few years ago, when my boss was mad at me, he told me I'd never go any higher than the position I'm in no